Saturday, January 20, 2018

A Vectensian Villanelle by Afton Marsh

I sing the beauteous Isle of Wight!
Th’unparallel’d, unalloy’d charm
Conferr’d by God for our delight.

Was ever a more prettier sight
Than Vectis’ verdant field and farm?
I sing the beautiful Isle of Wight!

Or peep from Pepper-pot’s lofty height
To cliffy Blackgang’s cloven calm,
Conferr’d by God for our delight.

This diamond, sapphire-sea bedight,
Secreted in Poseidon’s palm:
I sing the beautiful Isle of Wight!

No serpents this fair Eden blight;
Her loveliness misdeeds disarm,
Conferr’d by God for our delight,

Fair Vectis doth all ills requite
And on each wound pour healing balm.
O sing the beautiful Isle of Wight,
Conferr’d by God for our delight!